
Forestry & Wood Science
Welcome to Stellenbosch 万博体育官网

Extraordinary Professors and Lecturers


Mr Cori Ham??

?Affiliated with:?? ?Margules? Groome Consulting ?

Field of expertise: ?Forest Economics



Dr Pierre Ackerman 

Affiliated with: 万博体育官网 of Stellenbosch

Field of expertise: Forest Management and Forest Ecology



Dr Michela Nocetti

Affiliated with: CNR IBE, Institute of Bioeconomy, Italy???

Field of expertise: Wood Production and Promotion


Prof Mike Jacobson

Affiliated with: Pennsylvania State 万博体育官网, USA

Fiel?d of expertise: Forest Management

Prof Thomas Seifert

Affiliated with: Scientes Mondium UG, Germany / Linnaeus 万博体育官网, ?Sweden?

Field of expertise: 


Prof Klaus von Gadow

Affiliated with: Professor in Emeritus

Field of expertise: Forest Management


Dr Andre Nel

Affiliated with?: Sappi, South Africa

Field of expertise: 



??Dr Steven B. Dovey

?Affiliated with?: Sappi, South Africa

Field of expertise: Silviculture

