
Doctoral Office
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???Tygerberg Doctoral Office

Tygerberg Doctoral Office Support - PhD Registration Options


Option A: Registration After the Review Process

The Review system has been revised and is conducted in the Department/ Division/ Centre. Clarify with the departmental secretary regarding the processes followed in that environment. Further details can be obtained from bcoombs@sun.ac.za or www.sun.ac.za/FMHSdoctoraloffice.

Once this process is complete, please email all the documents AND submit hard copies of the following to the Doctoral Office:

  1. Completed FORM A1 (If not submitted previously)
  2. Prescribed cover letter from the relevant Head of Department/Division/Centre supporting the application
  3. The CPR Checklist (FORM A3)? has to be completed and signed by the Supervisor and HoD BEFORE the Review and the Convenor of the Review AFTER the proposal has been finalized.
  4. Written confirmation from the supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s) that they approve the protocol and are willing to serve in that capacity
  5. Final Synopsis of the protocol (2 pages)
  6. Final protocol
  7. Curriculum vitae of applicant and external co-supervisor(s)
  8. A Turnitin Report of the final protocol http://libguides.sun.ac.za/content.php?pid=344501&sid=2818225
  9. The signed Plagiarism Declaration
  10. Completed and signed Memorandum of Understanding
  11. A completed and signed Stellenbosch 万博体育官网 Postgraduate Application form (Please note that this is NOT FORM A1)
  12. Proof of payment of R100-00 application fee (not applicable to international students who are required the annual fees before they may be registered?)
  13. Recently certified copy of the passport for international students (3 months)
  14. The completed and signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (complete and sign the right side and leave the left blank)?