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Jacobs Laboratory


Main Research Theme
: Microbial ecology and fungal taxonomy
Group Leader: Prof Karin Jacobs
NRF Rating: C2

Contact details:
Office: JC Smuts Building A331 
Phone: +27 21 808 5806
?Email: kj@sun.ac.za

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Research overview
Our interest is in the diversity and structure of microbial communities from soil, with a special interest in the soil microbial communities of the fynbos biome.  We aim to understand the effect of change, brought about by anthropogenic activities on the soil communities. Our main interest is to study the effect of different aspects of invasion by alien plants on the soil communities and the effect this have on the soil processes and ecosystem services. Part of our study include to documentation of fungal taxa from the environment.  We focussed on Penicillium, Aspergillus, and the ericoid mycorrhizae.  

Main projects
  1. Diversity of ericoid mycorrhizae from the fynbos biome
  2. Diverisity of Penicillium and Talaromyces spp. from the fynbos
  3. The effect of alien plant invasion on the microbial communities in riparian zones of the fynbos, and consequences of clearing practices
  4. Rhizosphere communities associated with wild and commercial Cyclopia sp. and Aspalathus linearus plants
  5. Biodiversity in the root nodules of Cyclopia sp. and Aspalathus linearus plants
  6. Entomopathogenic fungi associated with invasive wasps in the Western Cape
  7. The effect of different pollen sources on the microbial communities of the Cape honey bee