
Center for Student Counseling & Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch 万博体育官网

2022 Welcoming info


The Centre for Student Counselling and Development (CSCD) is committed to providing the Stellenbosch 万博体育官网 (SU) community with psychological, developmental and support services in our quest to be partners for success. Our vision is to be a centre that is approachable, inclusive and client-centred, with our values based on shared humanity. The staff includes psychologists (clinical, counselling, educational), counsellors, social workers, psychology interns, student assistants, project/portfolio coordinators, a psychometrist, support officers and administrative staff. The CSCD consists of four units that, through their core functions, endeavour to promote citizenship by facilitating wellness and personal agency. There are offices on Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses.


37 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch 

Tel: 021 808 4707 / 021 808 4994 (office hours)


If you are standing in front of the main entrance of the Education Building, turn left to the side entrance for the disabled. The CSCD offices (nr 0073) are on the right before you get to the glass doors for the disabled. ?

Tel: 021 927 7020? (office hours)

?Website: www.sun.ac.za/cscd

?24-hour emergency service in collaboration with ER24: 010 205 3032 (after hours and weekends)


The following Units are housed in five centrally situated buildings in Victoria Street, Stellenbosch:

Unit for Academic Counselling and Development (UACD)

The Unit renders a development-directed service focusing on the academic challenges students may experience. The team comprises of educational psychologists, a psychometrist, a registered counsellor and intern psychologists. Support is provided to students with regards to study methods, coping with test and examination stress, time management and the optimisation of their potential by means of individual consultations, work sessions and self-help material. Career counselling for registered students is also available. You are welcome to send an email to studysuccess@sun.ac.za to make an individual appointment or to enquire about our work sessions.

Unit for Psychotherapeutic and Support Services (UPSS)

The Unit offers individual, group therapy and work sessions. Confidential and professional services are offered by psychologists and registered counsellors. The Unit offers psychotherapy for a broad spectrum of problems that students experience, namely: depression, high stress levels, adjustment problems, substance abuse, relationship or family problems, etc.

The unit has implemented screening sessions to facilitate students who are experiencing psychological challenges. This service is offered daily from 11:00 – 12:30.

A 24-hour emergency service is also available for registered students from 16:00 – 08:00 as well as weekends (ER24 010 205 3032). 

Social Services (Social Worker) in collaboration with the Centre for Student Communities offer a walk-in programme that assist mainly first-year students who live outside of the Western Cape Province and arrive on campus with no confirmed accommodation and provide financial aid advice during the welcoming period. During the academic year, the social worker provides professional services such as support, guidance and counselling to students with respect to their social issues.

To request any services students must send an email to supportus@sun.ac.za. They will then be given an appointment. The appointments for all services can take the form of face to face or online.

Disability Unit (DU)

The Disability Unit offers a range of services to students with disabilities. We advise prospective students with disabilities about the possible support once at SU. We also discuss appropriate academic support solutions and ensure that academic material is accessible for study, test and exam purposes. The DU also offers students and staff various training opportunities. These include a Lead with Disability programme for students and facilitating staff training through the Siyakhula training sessions. Come chat to us about further disability-related uncertainties. Contact us at disability@sun.ac.za. Follow us on the Student Affairs Facebook page as well as the Disability Unit Facebook page. Visit us at 39 Victoria Street, House Simon Nkoli Huis, Stellenbosch.

Student experience video with SU students, Luigia Nicholas (1) 

Welcoming session's presentation on 3 February 2022?

Student experience video with SU student, L?uigia Nicholas (2)

Student experience video with SU student, Lathi Msi 

??Student experience video with SU student, Luigia Nicholas (3)

?Student experience video with SU student, Ilze Aaron


Unit for Graduand Career S??ervices (UGCS)

The Unit supports students with the transition from education to employment. ?This could include individual sessions about your career, group sessions on CV writing, interview skills, your online profile and exposure to network opportunities with companies via career fairs and assistance with job-searching methods. All our core services are offered online.

The Unit manages an online career services management system called MatiesCareers (bit.ly/MatiesCareers) which gives students easy access to search and apply for permanent jobs, internships, part-time jobs and volunteer jobs. All SU students are strongly encouraged to register on the system. It is important for students to start preparing for their transition to the world of work from their first year already. MatiesCareers provides information about the Unit's services and interesting activities happening on campus. It also affords students the opportunity to register online for the Unit's services. Several employers are registered on the platform. This means that students can also upload their CVs to potential employers and search for employer's information and work opportunities. MatiesCareers allows students to stay abreast of the Unit's operations and the world of work 24/7. Contact us via email at careerservices@sun.ac.za.????