
Student Affairs
Welcome to Stellenbosch 万博体育官网





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If the answer is YES, then YOU should sign up for our LEADERSHIP SUMMIT FOR ASPIRING LEADERS (LSAL) 2023 on 29 July 2023!

??The Leadership Summit for Aspiring Leaders was created for aspiring and current student leaders just like you! LSAL is a leadership engagement platform for students to develop their leadership skills and learn from well-known, respected leadership experts, discuss leadership challenges on campus with their peers, understand the role of student leaders in solving challenges faced by students today, particularly at Stellenbosch 万博体育官网, and start a conversation about innovative ways to tackle those challenges. ???

Participation is absolutely free, so make sure you apply for this prestigious leadership programme by the deadline on 10 July 2023. ??

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What you can expect??

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LSAL is a month-long 
hybrid programme designed by staff and students to re-imagine and co-create the? development of leaders in Higher Education spaces. Phase 1 consists of pre-summit material intended to prepare students for Phase 2, which is the summit day. The summit day consists of keynote addresses, panel discussions and breakout room engagement with student mentors.

Phase 3 consists of a post-summit, where students are required to explore their personal goals and apply the learnings from both the pre-summit, and the summit day. The programme itself is conceptualised using the Social Change Model for Leadership Development, to examine the environment and to work towards social change.?

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Is this programme ONLY for existing student leaders?


We believe in growing leaders from scratch, in #CultivatingTheLeaderWithinUS! So don't let the fact that you have no leadership experience prevent you from signing up. Some of the best leaders in the world are those who never imagined themselves in leadership positions.??

How will it be presented?

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?LSAL will be presented both in-person and online. We have limited space available for in-person attendance,  so if you want to connect with your peers and our leadership experts in person, make sure to apply soon to get a seat in our venue. ?

Gain recognition for all your hard work?

LSAL is recognised as a registered training opportunity at Stellenbosch 万博体育官网 and is recognised on students' academic transcripts. 

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