

?Au?xin Resou??rces 2022



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? 4 October 2022????

  • 万博体育官网 social responsibility: The role of teachers?
  •   Viviane de Moraes Abrah?o; Maria Vaquero-Diego??

Recommended reading:?

In recent years, the social dimension of higher education has emerged as a central concern atin several institutions. The role of the university has developed beyond the production and dissemination of knowledge. Today, ; it is increasingly addressing the responsibility of higher education institutions are increasingly expected to serveexercise their role as an engine forf social transformation and growth, meeting the different individual and social needs of a world increasingly aware of its diversity (Péerez, 2009, p. 8). This change has resulted in, among others aspects, in the concept of u万博体育官网 sSocial rResponsibility (, or USR) – that . This concept establishes that the u万博体育官网, as an institution, has the function tof contributeing to the development and improvement of the community, and constantly rethinking its position and function in society. This is achieved by offering educational services based on following tthe principles of ethics, social commitment, and the promotion of sound values, ultimately being accountable to society. Given that Therefore, the entirewhole body of teaching staff, includingers must be aware of their role, given that university professors, are part of the engine of change, they. must be aware of their role.

This presentation aims to raise awareness among university teaching staffers about their role as agents of social change. Itrs, discussesing key aspects of USR in terms of related to the integrationg of diversity both withinside and outside the university, and applying thisit toin the curriculaum of all fields of study.

UViviane unesidanga sedigri yeemastazi kwizifundo zoSetyenziso loLwimi lwesiNgesi noNxibelelwano lwakuMazwe ngaMazwe kwaye ufundela isidanga sobuGqirha (PhD) kwiZifundo zoKhubazeko neMfundo ePhakamileyo e-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Eyona nto iphambili lugxile kuyo uphando lwakhe luquko lwabantu abaphila nokhubazeko ekuhlaleni, nendima yoluntu lulonke ekuqinisekiseni olo quko lunjalo. Ube ngumhlohli kwiYunivesithi yase-ESIC iminyaka eliqela kwaye uyinxalenye yeqela lophando olumalunga noquko lwabantu abaphila nokhubazeko kwiindawo zempangelo. Funda kaba?nzi apha...???

? 23 August 2022????

  • Flipping the Script in Teaching and Learning?
  •   Ruth Andrews ??

Recommended reading:?

  • Bartram, D., & Roe, R. A. (2008). Individual and organisational factors in competence acquisition. In The learning potential of the workplace (pp. 71-96). Brill.
  • Miller, G. E. (1990). The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance. Academic medicine65(9), S63-7.
  • Dreyfus, S. E., & Dreyfus, H. L. (1980). A five-stage model of the mental activities involved in directed skill acquisition. California Univ Berkeley Operations Research Center.
  • Hammer, M. R., Bennett, M. J., & Wiseman, R. (2003). Measuring intercultural sensitivity: The intercultural development inventory. International journal of intercultural relations27(4), 421-443.
  • Taylor, P. J., Russ-Eft, D. F., & Chan, D. W. (2005). A meta-analytic review of behavior modeling training. Journal of applied psychology90(4), 692.
  • Bandura, A., & Walters, R. H. (1977). Social learning theory (Vol. 1). Prentice Hall: Englewood cliffs.
The SU Teaching & Learning Policy states that holistic development of students involves integrating the curriculum and co-curriculum. The co-curriculum fulfils a role in graduate attributes acquisition, linking graduate attributes to a competency framework for implementation through in and out-of-class learning experiences for non-degree purposes. Wide varieties of co-curricular activities are available for students’ holistic development. At SU, co-curricular learning is competency-based, to allow for the development and assessment of capabilities which articulate with the world of work, with society and social justice, and with disciplinary knowledges.

This presentation covers the Co-curriculum Office’s journey from 2018 to present in developing a robust and well researched Competency Framework to further strengthen student capabilities in implementing in-and out-of-class learning experiences to facilitate the acquisition of the graduate attribute as defined by Stellenbosch 万博体育官网. The Co-curriculum Office received FINLO funding in 2020 towards exploring the development of competency assessment tools for use in the co-curriculum as well as the curriculum. Research (e.g. Dreyfus, Miller, Ten Cate, Van der Vleuten, McClelland, Prifti); a series of competency design workshops together with practical work has been over time to develop competency-based assessment skills and tools. This project is a South African first within an academic environment, that will achieve the full integration of curriculum & co-curriculum experiential learning with behavioural assessment rubrics in learning design.
Umgaqo-nkqubo wokuFunda nokuFundisa weYunivesithi yase-Stellenbosch (SU) uthi, uphuhliso olupheleleyo lwabafundi lubandakanya ukudibanisa ikharityhulam kunye nekharityhulam eyimfihlo. Ikharityhulam eyimfihlo izalisekisa indima ekufumaneni iimpawu zesidanga, esinxulumanisa iimpawu zesidanga kwisakhelo sobuchule sokuphunyezwa angaphakathi nangaphandle kwamava okufunda eklasini, ngeenjongo ezingezizo zesidanga. Iindidi ngeendidi zemisebenzi yekharityhulam eyimfihlo ziyafumaneka ukulungiselela uphuhliso olupheleleyo lwabafundi.  Funda kaba?nzi apha...?


? 26 July 2022????

  • Creating information smart students – librarians and their hidden role in the teaching agenda at Stellenbosch 万博体育官网?
  •   Mrs Elizabeth Moll-Willlard & Mr Jeremiah Pietersen ??

Recommended reading:?

  • Gilman, N.V., Sagàs, J., Camper, M. and Norton, A.P., 2017. A faculty–librarian collaboration success story: Implementing a teach-the-teacher library and information literacy instruction model in a first-year agricultural science course. Library Trends, 65(3), pp.339-358. Available here. 
  • Bowles-Terry, M. and Donovan, C., 2016. Serving notice on the one-shot: Changing roles for instruction librarians. International Information & Library Review, 48(2), pp.137-142. Available here.
  • Bury, S., 2016. Learning from faculty voices on information literacy: Opportunities and challenges for undergraduate information literacy education. Reference Services Review, 44 (3), pp. 237-252. Available here.?
Being able to navigate the world of information is a necessity at university level for students and staff alike – understanding how to do research, the resources that are available and being able to evaluate the resources in your own context is a skill that many need to master to be able to make it through their university degree. It is sometimes assumed that this skill is learnt as a by-product of assignments and results, but it should be highlighted that the university has a (hidden) treasure trove of expertise to teach these crucial skills: librarians. Librarians are involved at the request of lecturers to help improve students’ ability to find, understand and evaluate information, amongst other information literacy skills. These skills can equip students to excel in their studies from first year, if the faculty involve librarians. We would like to showcase how librarians have been involved in teaching within the university, and share some of the successes and skills that perhaps are not widely known to inspire more faculty to collaborate successfully with their librarians. We would also like to share these so that faculty realise they do not need to be experts in this field, and that they have support in teaching skills such as referencing, reading academic information, evaluating information and more. Through such partnerships, not only do the faculty and the library benefit from it, but the students feel more equipped to be able to navigate. To quote from the majority of students after their first session with a librarian: “Why wasn’t I taught this in first year?” ?

Ukukwazi ukuzula-zula kwihlabathi lolwazi kuyimfuneko kwinqanaba leyunivesithi kubafundi nabasebenzi ngokufanayo– ukuqonda indlela yokwenza uphando, izibonelelo ezifumanekayo nokukwazi ukuvavanya izibonelelo kumxholo wakho sisakhono ekufuneka abaninzi basazi ukuze bakwazi  ukuphumelela kwisidanga saseyunivesithi.  Maxa wambi kucingelwa ukuba obu buchule bufundwa njengemveliso evela kumsebenzi omiselweyo kunye neziphumo, kodwa kufuneka igxininiswe into yokuba iyunivesithi inobuncwane (obufihliweyo) bobuchule bokufundisa ezi zakhono zibalulekileyo: oonocwadi. Funda kabanzi apha...?


? 24 May 2022????

  • Developing theories for narratives in teaching and learning, based on an example of Black women's academic experiences?
  •   Dr Jean Farmer??

Educational institutions should be spaces for staff and students to engage in knowledge-building and creation as well as to address social justice concerns (Farmer, 2021). In order to create a space that is conducive to effective and enhanced teaching and learning, many students and staff may need more than to hear the word “welcome”. Qualitative studies are necessary to know that not all individuals experience a context in the same way (Ellis, 2007; Johns & Marlin, 2010). Differences in experiences and perceptions include issues such as a sense of self/identity and belonging; all of which play a role in the success of learning and teaching.

These factors affect individuals’ interaction within the institutional cultural milieu and can either enhance or inhibit relationships and individual growth (Farmer, 2021). For a shift in institutional culture where not everyone feels welcome, differences in teaching and learning of students and academics entering universities must be taken into account (Behari-Leak, 2017). Addressing inequality and various discomforts at multiple levels in the context of the institution can aid in shifting institutional culture. Staff involved in teaching and learning may need to start considering their roles and their engagement with those with whom they share teaching and learning spaces.

Critical reflection about our interactions on various levels is a vital part of teaching and learning, especially where practitioners aim to interrogate their agency (Farmer, 2021; Herman, 2015; Kahn et al., 2012). Reflection is not only thinking; it is also actively speaking, conversing, writing and drawing.

I propose that staff may find autoethnographic or reflexive activity can play a significant part in building their portfolios to “move beyond theory” in their “professional learning” (Leibowitz et al., 2016; Winberg & Pallitt, 2016) and learn new ways to engage their students’ thinking. Various modes of reflection can encourage interrogation of practices and interactions and that we all can impact how higher education evolves (Farmer, 2021). ?

? 12 April 2022????

  • Portfolios as a pedagogical choice for assessment as learning: insights from a teacher education programme?
  •   Dr Zelda Barends, Ms Agatha Lebethe & Dr Anthea Jacobs??

Recommended reading:?

  • Gravett, S. 2012. Crossing the “Theory-practice Divide”: Learning to Be(come) a Teacher. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 2(2):1-14.
  • Klenowski, V., Askew, S & Carnell, E. 2006. Portfolios for learning, assessment and professional development in higher education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 31(3):267-286.


?  29 Marc?h 2022????

  • Educational Interpreting as part of ‘pedagogically sound’ teaching and learning practices in a multilingual university lecture?
  •   Dr Carmen Brewis??

Dr Carmen Brewis recommend?s the following reading:?

  • Brewis, C. et al. (In press.) Perceptions of educational interpreting at SU: Towards a more informed and supportive interpreting service.
  • Brewis, C. 2017. The value of Actor-Network-Theory as an ethnographic research strategy for the investigation of educational interpreting at Stellenbosch 万博体育官网. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus (SPiL Plus), vol 53: 3-24.
  • Foster, L. & Cupido, A. (2017). Assessing spoken-language educational interpreting: measuring up and measuring right. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 53:119-132, doi:10.5842/53-0-736.

?  22 February 2022??

  • A Gay Agenda: Troubling Compulsory Heterosexuality in a South African 万博体育官网 Classroom?
  •   Prof Dennis Francis ??

Prof Dennis Francis recommend?s the following reading:?

  • Francis, DA. (2021) “And I would ask myself, what's being gay got to do with this anyway?": Constructions of queer subject positions in student's stories, Education, Citizenship and Social Justice; https://doi.org/10.1177/17461979211048670
  • Francis, DA. (2021) A Gay Agenda: Troubling compulsory heterosexuality in a South African 万博体育官网 Classroom, Sociology Teaching, 2021;49(3):278-290. doi:10.1177/00?92055X211022472
