
Center for Student Counseling & Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch 万博体育官网


Where is the CSCD located?

Our central reception is at 37 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch. It is an old Victorian house, right next to the Conservatoire. Our friendly and helpful reception personnel look forward to meeting you. Please drop in, or phone us for an appointment at tel. 021-808-4707 (office hours: 08:00-16:30; after-hours 24-hour crisis service: tel. 082-557-0880).

We also have an office on the Tygerberg campus. It is located on the second floor of the Student Centre (directly above the gymnasium). (Office hours: Every day: 8:00 to 14:30, Tel No: 021-938-9590; after-hours 24-hour crisis service: Tel No: 082-557-0880)


???The CSCD (Centre for Student Counselling and Development) can be contacted at:

 Academic Counselling: 021-808-4707

 Psychotherapeutic and Social Services: 021-808-4994

 Career Services: (021) 808 3568

 Persons with Disabilities or Special Learning Needs: 021-808-4707

Tygerberg campus: 021-938-9590

 24 Hour Crisis Service (Stellenbosch & Tygerberg campuses) sponsored by Shoprite/Checkers: 082 557 0880

NB:The service is available only to registered students of Stellenbosch 万博体育官网. The service is provided by professionally trained staff of the CSCD who can offer psychological aid in times of crisis and trauma at short notice.

Physical Address:

See Campus Map and Map Key for directions


CSCD, Central Reception

37 Victoria Street


GPS Coordinates: -33.9339861 18.8669428